SkyWall100 is a handheld system that gives a mobile operator the ability to physically capture a drone in a specifically designed ‘drone entangling’ net. It uses compressed air to launch a
projectile up to the drone after the operator has targeted it using the onboard SmartScope.
SkyWall100 can be used as a standalone drone defense system but can also be integrated with a wider security system, using the skylink module, to offer a highly capable counter-drone
A single SkyWall100 system can protect an area or multiple systems can be deployed from mobile units to protect a large site.
Key Features
- Physical Drone Capture - no electronic
countermeasure, predictable outcome
- Proportionate Response
- Handheld – highly portable
- Very low collateral damage risk
The SkyWall100 system has a number of built-in safety features
that ensure it can only be
operated when all safety-critical
elements are functioning correctly.
The launcher has a continuous mintoring system to give further protection.
The SkyWall100 launcher can be used with a range of SkyWall projectiles. Models include the SP01 for training, the SP10 net only, the SP40 includes a net and parachute, and the SP40-ER includes the net and parachute with an extended range.
The onboard SmartScope helps
capture moving targets by locking
on to the drone and adjusting the
operators aim before programming
the projectile prior to launch.